Ihle Fabrications was born upon the idea of taking a problem farmers are facing, and creating an easy, custom solution for that problem. Ihle began twenty-some years ago on a family farm and today, has grown into a full-scale manufacturing facility where ideas for solutions to combine problems continue to be solved every day through innovation.
Here are some of our latest ideas which will be coming soon to our line up of inventory.
Feed Plate - Narrow Seal
Built for: John Deere
Description: Replaces OEM H173904 – this threshing area replacement piece is made out of stainless steel

Feeder Floor - Full Liner
Built for: John Deere
Description: Replaces OEM H174680 – made out of Hardox® for better wear than the OEM
Feeder House Floor - LH Side
Built for: John Deere
Description: Replaces OEM H212186 – replacement for John Deere Feeder house
Feeder House Floor - RH Side - Wide
Built for: John Deere
Description: Replaces OEM H203561 – a replacement part for John Deere Feeder house
Feeder House Floor - Level Land
Built for: John Deere
Description: Lines OEM H214837 – this front feeder house floor plate lines the OEM for a seamless fit and better wear in this area
LH Floor Plate
Built for: John Deere
Description: Replaces OEM H203562 – a direct OEM replacement part made of better steel
Round Bar Concaves - Front & Mid Rear
Built for: John Deere
Description: Replaces OEM AXE28955 (front) and AXE28957 (mid-rear) – concaves that are made Hardox® tough. Better steel, better wear.